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Composer, arranger and violinist

"Zhang Ying, pipa principal of Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, was the memorable guest in Luk Wai Chun’s Moments Between Ledges And Frets. Belying its mundane title, this was an imperious display of pipa as both string and percussion instrument. Accompanied by 14 players and conductor Dedric Wong, its ten minutes of contemporary idioms defied expectations by providing a visual spectacle and an entertaining listen."

Chang Tou Liang - THE STRAITS TIMES -

Concert review: Ding Yi Music Company and Chen Le & Friends explore intricacies of Chinese tunes

22 APR 2024 on Moments Between Ledges and Frets 《彈指品相間》

International Rostrum of Composers 2023 國際作曲家交流會議 2023 -


RTHK4 電台節目重溫



Ida 第859期《U Magazine》【怎麼做,香港作曲家?】
12 MAY 2022


"...I think Luk Wai Chun has done a really good job because the first piece (Over Time) he did with us last year, we incorporated it, not just an usual mix of Western and Chinese instruments. But also we had a video that he shot himself at Tai Kwun. We had amplification, we had electronic music. So I said just go for it, you know, do something really creative. And he really did it...."

"...Luk Wai Chun he has so many different sides to his music. There's kind of somber and ethereal aspect of his music, but then at the same time there's another part that's just fun and cool and you know, kind of jazzy. So I I had so much fun already in our first reading..."

RTHK Radio Programme -  Morning Call 清晨妙韻 - 

主持人:Stacey Rodda 盧廸思  受訪者: Trey Lee 李垂誼

9.10am Interview with renowned cellist and Artistic Director of Musicus Society, Trey Lee, on this weekend’s Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Alive concerts at Tai Kwun, and the amazing commission that will start off the series - Tomorrow by Luk Wai-chun

10 MAY 2022

《香港01》網媒專訪及介紹我的作品《四時》 Over Time

音樂博士為譜寫17分鐘新作 兩個月風雨不改到大館尋靈感

馬煒傑 HK01《香港01》
25 NOV 2021 

《香港01》介紹我的廣東音樂作品《蘭桂騰芳》Lan Kwai Tang Fong
粵樂薪傳|粵樂即興獨奏 有爵士樂風格|王景松

王景松 HK01《香港01》
25 NOV 2021


周凡夫 《音樂與音響》3月號

MAR 2021 on Lan Kwai Tang Fong 《蘭桂騰芳》


夏如芸 Hong Kong Economic Journal Company Limited 《信報》 

《遊走於協和與不協和之間》 -〈國際演藝評論家協會-香港分會IATC-HK〉

25 OCT 2019 on Yangzhou Massacre《揚州十日》


卡夫卡 Hong Kong Economic Journal Company Limited 《信報》 

《圈來圈去》 -〈CCDC舞躍四十〉

25 JUNE 2019 on Reality-Schizophrenia 《現實 ‧ 精神分裂》

『...被問到最難忘的一首作品,聰和Walter則不約而同道:「我們認為陸尉俊的《現實 ‧ 精神分裂》是很搶耳的一首,而且亦很適合編舞。」《現實 ‧ 精神分裂》由小提琴的高音刻劃全曲基調...』

瀧澤勳 STANDNEWS 《立場新聞》 


23 MAY 2019 on Reality-Schizophrenia 《現實 ‧ 精神分裂》

"...Three of the works played with these relationships, with the two most sonically interesting also seeking to reflect something visual – Hong Kong street parades in the case of Luk Wai Chun Vincent’s Fire Dragon Dance,..."
ANNA MURRAY The Journal of Music 6 December 2017 on Fire Dragon Dance

LUK Wai Chun (Vincent)

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